How Do I Pair My Bridge With New WiFi Credentials?



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    To show you visually "the guts" what button your selecting here is the guts of the Notion unit and the button is where I am putting my knife utility to push down. I'm a visual person and when I don't feel a click like a solenoid switch and I don't see any change, I like to have and understanding of what I'm pushing.


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    For some reason even when I pushed with a paperclip through the mold the button wasn't selecting. So I opened up my casing to get to the button to restart it and it worked. I suggest most people do not do this, but worst case scenario, this is what I did.

    This is a great system, I must warn anyone that looks at could short out the board with a wrong "wiggle" on the USB power connection supply. Call customer support if you have an issue.

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